Big shock to Telegram users
According to a team of researchers at the Royal Holloway at the University of London, the messaging app that replaces WhatsApp has major security issues. The problem is the opt-in end-to-end encryption that users provide for personal chats. This is where the biggest security flaw is found. End to end encryption refers to the technology used to protect the contents of a chat. This is a system that does not show anyone except the sender and recipient. Applications that offer encryption protect chats from being read by related companies. WhatsApp and Signal is the service it currently provides. Apps like Telegram, Skype and Facebook Messenger offer a kind of end-to-end encrypted chat, which means the user can switch to end-to-end encryption mode only if they are interested. One of the great benefits of these chats is that they protect users from Man-in-the-middle attacks. There an individual or group can read the chats in a group. According to researchers, this is a bug that allows y...